Saturday, October 23, 2021

The Importance of Marriage

A few years ago, I heard a lady tell her friend, "I have never had a physical relationship with my husband since we got married!" The response was, "What do you mean you have never had a physical relationship?" "No," she said. "I have a mental relationship with my husband." That got my attention because mental and emotional connections are two very different things.

no physical relationship between husband and wife

The word marriage suggests a physical connection or at least a sexual one. But what is the difference? Just because two people get married, they are not necessarily intimate. A person does not marry because he loves his spouse; rather he loves the companionship that marriage provides. Marriage provides companionship, not romance. Love and passion are two very different concepts.

One of the most common errors made by couples when they marry is to focus on the physical connection. As a result, the husband develops an unfulfilled sexual appetite. This does not happen in a mental union. Thoughts of sex and lust do not exist in a marriage. Thus, the husband and wife are not sharing a mental bond.

What does this mean for you? Well, it means that you cannot expect to have an intimate, fulfilling sex life with your spouse if you are not having a mental bond with him. Think about it. We always see in movies and television romantic endings where two lovers kiss good night and go their separate ways. But these endings do not happen in a marriage. It happens in films where two lovers have a passionate lovemaking session that is interrupted by the arrival of the parents' car.

This is because the couple is in the mental state of infatuation. They are not sharing anything. They are only feeling each other's presence. In such a situation, any physical connection between a husband and wife becomes meaningless.

Hence, a mental bond is much more important than a physical one. You need to remain close emotionally and sexually as long as you want to ensure your marriage lasts. Else, you risk ruining what you have created.

So, how can you avoid this? If you want to have a satisfying sex life with your husband, you need to enhance your emotional bond. You need to spend time thinking about each other. Learn to share thoughts. Build a friendship that will last.

The no physical relationship between husband and wife I have described above is the beginning of a much greater and happier marriage. Once you have this foundation, you can use this friendship to enrich your sexual relationship in other ways. You will find that when you spend time with your husband, you are able to please him sexually far more than you ever had before. This will make your sex life incredible!

The physical relationship you have will also lead to a deeper emotional relationship. There is nothing that will improve your marriage more than the knowledge that you are loved. You can always count on your husband to love you unconditionally. He will love you regardless of what you do. He will be there for you when you are in trouble and he will also help raise your children if you have any.

Another positive side effect of having this physical relationship is that you will get to have fun. As mentioned earlier, you will learn to share thoughts. This leads to a better understanding of yourself and your partner. This also means that the sexual relationship becomes more fulfilling. You get to experience a variety of different sexual pleasures that you may not have experienced before.

When you have no physical relationship between husband and wife, you also get to be closer to each other. You are always there for each other. You spend more time together as a couple and you often spend romantic evenings together. Having this close emotional bond is very important and it helps strengthen your marriage.

When you have no physical relationship between husband and wife, you also avoid the emotional aspect of divorce. Divorce leads to great emotional pain for everyone involved. Your husband might not want to go through the pain of a divorce, especially if he still loves you. You do not want to end up in a mental institution after a trial of this kind. You need to start over together so that you can enjoy a life free from emotional pain.

দাম্পত্য জীবনে সুখী থাকার ১০টি সহজ কৌশল: স্বামী-স্ত্রীর সম্পর্কের গাইড

 দাম্পত্য জীবন হলো দুটি মানুষের মধ্যে আত্মার বন্ধন। তবে এই বন্ধনকে সুখী ও দীর্ঘস্থায়ী করতে কিছু কৌশল ও প্রচেষ্টা প্রয়োজন। এখানে এমন কিছু প্র...