A husband-wife sexless marriage is like a bedridden partner. It takes so much energy to nurture this bedridden partner to full life. This energy needs to come from both of you. You need to find out what is stopping your spouse from becoming a loving and caring partner. You need to make the first move to solve this problem.
A married man or a woman is said to be in a sexless relationship if he or she has had no sexual relations with his or her spouse for at least six months. A sexless marriage, therefore, is a marital relationship where no or little sex occurs between both partners. According to the US National Health and Social Life Survey of 1992, 2% of all married men and women reported having no sex in the previous year. It was also found out that most of these sexless marriages occur because of problems in communication and in partnership. The survey also found out that many people are living in a sexless relationship due to work pressure, financial issues, and even emotional difficulties.
If you feel that your husband or wife is living in a sexless marriage, you may want to try counseling or relationship help. Counseling helps couples to sort out their problems, it gives them a common language to talk about their problems and a set of principles they can use to rebuild their relationship. A relationship counselor can also help couples learn how to build a stronger foundation through counseling sessions.
There are a lot of other ways you can improve your relationship with your husband or wife. First of all, you need to create a more intimate relationship. Ask him out to take you out for dinner, or do some romantic acts together. Make sure that you share your fantasies and let him know your desires. Remember that great and satisfying sex life is one of the most important ingredients in any healthy and happy relationship, so if your husband or wife does not have any desire for you and your relationship, you should take steps to change this.
You should also make it a point to spend more time with each other outside of your home. There are many couples who have lost their husband or wife because they have neglected their physical needs. It is important to make time for intimate relationships because this helps to keep the intimacy levels high. One of the reasons why social media is bad for a relationship is that there is no intimacy, so in order to help your husband or wife save his or her marriage, you need to try spending quality time together.
Next you both need to boost your social status. If you have a good relationship at your present working position and you are both highly educated then this will create a positive reflection on your marriage. If you have a good relationship at your previous job, then your spouse will have less reason to look elsewhere. Finally, having a good and open working relationship will show your husband or wife that you are committed to your marriage and that your marriage can work despite the changing economy.
Avoid being one of the couples that has sexless marriages because it will only create more problems in the future. If you want to boost your sex life and build a great social network, then you should be willing to take things slow. Let your husband or wife slowly become more involved and encourage communication between the both of you. You might need to start seeing each other outside of work or at the weekend. You need to be a little more adventurous until your sex life becomes more exciting again.
Sexless marriages don't have to destroy your marriage. There is hope if you take the correct steps to save your marriage. Your husband's relationship can be saved by using a couple's guide that teaches you how to improve your husband's relationship. Remember, you can save your marriage if you work on it.